Technical SEO | 10 Essential Technical SEO Best Practices for Optimizing Your Website - Marketing Plans

Technical SEO | 10 Essential Technical SEO Best Practices for Optimizing Your Website

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing a website from a technical standpoint to improve its search engine ranking and visibility. It involves improving website architecture, ensuring website pages are easy for search engine crawlers to index, and enhancing website performance and speed.

Some common technical SEO tactics include:

Optimizing website structure and internal linking to ensure pages are easily discoverable by search engine crawlers and users.

Implementing metadata, such as title tags and meta descriptions, to provide search engines with more information about the content on a page.

Ensuring website pages load quickly and have a responsive design to improve user experience.

Implementing structured data markup to provide search engines with more context about the content on a page.

Ensuring the website is secure and using HTTPS protocol to provide a safe browsing experience for users.

By optimizing technical SEO factors, website owners can improve their website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages, ultimately driving more traffic and potential customers to their website.

Website architecture in SEO

Website architecture refers to the way a website is structured and organized, including how the pages are linked together and how content is presented. Optimizing website architecture is an important aspect of technical SEO, as it can impact how search engines crawl and index the website.

Here are some tips for optimizing website architecture in technical SEO:

Use a clear and consistent URL structure: Ensure that your website’s URLs are organized in a logical and consistent manner. Use descriptive words to describe the content of each page in the URL and avoid using unnecessary parameters or symbols.

Create a sitemap: A sitemap is a file that provides search engines with a map of all the pages on your website. Ensure that your sitemap is up-to-date and includes all relevant pages on your website.

Implement internal linking: Internal linking is the practice of linking to other pages within your website. Ensure that your website has a clear and logical internal linking structure to help search engines and users understand the hierarchy and relationship between different pages on your website.

Use breadcrumb navigation: Breadcrumb navigation is a hierarchical navigation system that shows users their current location on a website. Breadcrumb navigation can help search engines understand the structure of your website and improve the user experience for visitors.

Optimize page load speed: Page load speed is an important factor in both user experience and search engine optimization. Ensure that your website loads quickly by optimizing images, minimizing HTTP requests, and using a content delivery network (CDN) if necessary.

By optimizing your website architecture, you can improve your website’s usability, search engine visibility, and ultimately, drive more traffic and conversions.

Types of Website architecture

There are several types of website architecture, and the type that is most appropriate for a particular website will depend on factors such as the size of the site, the content it contains, and the goals of the site owner. Here are some of the most common types of website architecture:

Hierarchical Architecture: This is the most common type of website architecture, where pages are organized in a hierarchical structure. The homepage is at the top of the hierarchy, with subsequent pages branching out into categories and subcategories.

Sequential Architecture: This type of architecture is common for sites that have a clear process or sequence of steps, such as e-commerce sites or tutorial sites. Pages are organized in a sequential order, with users moving through each step in a logical order.

Matrix Architecture: This type of architecture is used for sites that contain a large amount of content that can be accessed from multiple categories. In this structure, pages are organized into categories based on their content, and each page can be accessed from multiple categories.

Database Architecture: This type of architecture is used for sites that have a large amount of dynamic content, such as news sites or social networking sites. In this structure, content is stored in a database, and pages are generated dynamically based on user input.

Flat Architecture: This type of architecture is used for small websites with a limited amount of content. In this structure, all pages are accessible from the homepage, without any subcategories or hierarchy.

Each type of website architecture has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of architecture will depend on the needs and goals of the website owner.

Site Speed

Site speed is an important technical SEO factor that can impact both user experience and search engine visibility.

Site-Speed Technical SEO

It refers to how quickly a website loads and becomes fully interactive for a user. It is a critical aspect of web performance and user experience.

Key factors influencing site speed include:

Here are some tips for improving site speed in technical SEO:

Optimize Images: Large images can significantly slow down page load times. Compress images and reduce their file size before uploading them to your website. You can also use responsive images, which are images that
adjust their size and resolution based on the user’s device and screen size.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN is a network of servers that distribute your website’s content to users from the server that is closest to them. This can significantly improve page load times for users who are far away from your website’s origin server.

Minimize HTTP Requests: Each element on your webpage, such as images, scripts, and stylesheets, requires a separate HTTP request to load. Minimizing the number of requests can help speed up page load times. You can do this by combining scripts and stylesheets, reducing the number of images, and using browser caching.

Reduce Server Response Time: The time it takes for your server to respond to a user’s request can impact site speed. Ensure that your server response time is as fast as possible by using a fast web hosting service, optimizing your database, and reducing the amount of server-side processing required.

Use a Content Management System (CMS): A CMS can help you manage your website’s content more efficiently and optimize it for speed. Look for a CMS that is lightweight, easy to use, and has good optimization features.

By optimizing site speed, you can improve user experience, increase engagement, and boost your website’s search engine visibility.

Mobile optimization

Mobile optimization is an important aspect of technical SEO, as an increasing number of users access websites on mobile devices. Here are some tips for optimizing your website for mobile devices:

Use a Responsive Design: A responsive design ensures that your website is optimized for all screen sizes and devices. This means that your website will automatically adjust its layout and content to fit the screen size of the user’s device.

Optimize for Mobile Page Speed: Mobile users expect fast loading times, and slow loading pages can significantly impact user experience. Use tools such as Google’s Page Speed Insights to identify areas where your website can be optimized for mobile devices.

Simplify Navigation: Simplify your website’s navigation by using a clear and concise menu, and ensuring that all links and buttons are large enough to be easily clicked on a mobile device.

Use Clear and Legible Fonts: Ensure that your website’s fonts are clear and legible on mobile devices. Use a font size that is large enough to be easily read on smaller screens, and avoid using fonts that are difficult to read on mobile devices.

Optimize Images: Ensure that all images on your website are optimized for mobile devices. This means reducing their file size, using responsive images, and ensuring that they are displayed correctly on all screen sizes.

Use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): AMP is a framework that allows you to create fast-loading mobile pages that are optimized for mobile devices. Consider using AMP for your website’s pages to improve their loading speed and user experience on mobile devices.

By optimizing your website for mobile devices, you can improve user experience, increase engagement, and boost your website’s search engine visibility on mobile devices.

Technical site audit

A technical SEO site audit is an essential part of technical SEO. Here are the steps involved in conducting a technical site audit:

Crawl the Website: Use a website crawling tool, such as Screaming Frog or SEMrush, to crawl your website and identify any technical issues. This will help you identify any broken links, duplicate content, missing meta tags, or other technical issues that may be impacting your website’s search engine visibility.

Check for Duplicate Content: Use a duplicate content checker, such as Copyscape, to identify any duplicate content on your website. Duplicate content can negatively impact your search engine rankings, so it’s important to identify and fix any instances of duplicate content.

Check for Broken Links: Use a broken link checker, such as Dead Link Checker, to identify any broken links on your website. Broken links can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings, so it’s important to identify and fix any broken links.

Check Website Speed: Use tools such as Google’s Page Speed Insights or GTmetrix to check your website’s speed and identify areas for improvement. Website speed is an important technical SEO factor, and a slow website can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.

Check Mobile Optimization: Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check your website’s mobile optimization. With an increasing number of users accessing websites on mobile devices, it’s important to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices.

Check for Structured Data: Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to check for structured data on your website. Structured data helps search engines understand the content on your website and can improve search engine visibility.

Check for Security Issues: Use a security scanner, such as Sucuri Site Check or Qualys SSL Labs, to check your website for security issues. Security issues can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings, so it’s important to identify and fix any security issues.

By conducting a technical SEO site audit, you can identify and fix any technical issues that may be impacting your website’s search engine visibility and user experience. This can help improve your website’s search engine rankings, increase user engagement, and ultimately drive more traffic to your website.

Schema markup

Schema markup is a type of microdata in technical SEO that helps search engines better understand the content on your website. By using Schema markup, you can provide additional context about your website’s content to search engines, which can help improve your website’s search engine visibility and click-through rates. Here are the steps involved in implementing Schema markup on your website:

Identify Pages to Markup: Identify the pages on your website that would benefit from Schema markup. For example, if you have a product page, you can use Schema markup to provide additional information about the product, such as its price, availability, and reviews.

Choose a Markup Format: Choose the type of Schema markup that is most appropriate for the content on your website. You can use the website to browse different types of markup formats and choose the one that best matches your content.

Add Markup to Your Website: Once you have chosen a markup format, you can add the markup to your website’s HTML code. You can do this manually by adding the markup directly to your HTML code, or by using a plugin or extension that automatically adds the markup to your website.

Test Your Markup: Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to test your Schema markup and ensure that it is properly implemented. This tool will also highlight any errors or issues with your markup that need to be fixed.

By implementing Schema markup on your website, you can provide additional context about your content to search engines, in technical SEO, which can help improve your website’s search engine visibility and click-through rates. This can ultimately drive more traffic to your website and improve your website’s overall performance in search engine rankings.

SSL Certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security protocol that encrypts data transmitted between a website and a user’s browser, ensuring that sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card numbers, and other personal
information is protected from hackers and cybercriminals.

Here are some of the features of SSL certificates in technical SEO:

features of SSL certificates in technical SEO.

Improved Security: An SSL certificate provides an additional layer of security to your website, encrypting data and protecting it from interception by hackers and cybercriminals.

Boosts Trust and Credibility: Having an SSL certificate on your website can help boost user trust and credibility. Users are more likely to trust websites that have an SSL certificate, as it shows that the website is taking security seriously.

Positive Impact on SEO: Google has indicated that having an SSL certificate can have a positive impact on SEO. In 2014, Google announced that HTTPS would be a ranking signal, meaning that websites with HTTPS (SSL-secured) URLs may rank higher in search results.

Protection Against Phishing: An SSL certificate can protect your website from phishing attacks, which is when attackers try to trick users into giving away their personal information by creating fake login pages or other deceptive content.

Mobile Optimization: Having an SSL certificate is important for mobile optimization, as mobile users are more likely to be on unsecured networks, making them more vulnerable to security threats. Having an SSL certificate ensures that mobile users’ data is protected, which can improve user experience and boost mobile technical SEO.

Overall, SSL certificates are an important feature of technical SEO, providing improved security, boosting trust and credibility, and having a positive impact on technical SEO. By implementing an SSL certificate on your website, you can improve user experience, protect sensitive data, and ultimately drive more traffic to your website through technical SEO.

Robots.txt and Sitemap in technical SEO

Robots.txt and sitemap are two important files that play a significant role in technical SEO.

  • Robots.txt:

Robots.txt is a file that is placed on the root directory of a website. It is used to communicate with search engine crawlers and instruct them which pages on the website should be crawled and indexed and which should be ignored. The robots.txt file contains directives that tell search engines which pages or sections of the website to crawl or not crawl. The main purpose of the robots.txt file is to control which pages and directories of the website are crawled and indexed by search engines, in order to optimize crawl efficiency and prevent the indexing of non-public or sensitive pages.

  • Sitemap:

A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages of a website that the owner wants search engines to crawl and index. The sitemap file can be in XML format and contains information about the pages of the website, such as the URL, last modified date, and the priority of each page. A sitemap helps search engines to discover and crawl all the pages on a website more easily and efficiently.

Both robots.txt and sitemap are important for technical SEO. The robots.txt file helps to control the indexing of pages and directories in technical SEO, while the sitemap helps to ensure that all the important pages on a website are indexed by search engines. By using both of these files, website owners can ensure that their websites are crawled and indexed efficiently, leading to improved search engine visibility and better performance in search engine rankings.


In technical SEO, redirecting is the process of forwarding one URL to another URL. There are several reasons why you might want to redirect a URL, including:

  • The original page no longer exists, but you want to send visitors to a new page that has similar content.
  • The URL structure of your website has changed, and you want to redirect old URLs to new ones.
  • You’ve merged two websites or web pages, and you want to redirect the old URLs to the new ones.

There are a few different types of redirects you can use in technical SEO:

Types of redirects in technical SEO.

301 Redirects: A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect that tells search engines and visitors that the original URL has been permanently moved to a new URL. It is the best option to use when you want to redirect a page to a new URL, as it passes on the link equity of the original page to the new URL.

302 Redirects: A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect that tells search engines and visitors that the original URL has been temporarily moved to a new URL. It should be used only when you expect the original URL to return to its previous location in the future.

Meta Refresh Redirects: A meta refresh redirect is a type of redirect that automatically sends visitors from one URL to another after a specified amount of time has elapsed. It is generally not recommended for SEO purposes, as it can be seen as a spammy tactic.

To implement a redirect, you can use a redirect code in your website’s .htaccess file or use a plugin if you’re using a content management system like WordPress. Be sure to test your redirects to ensure they are working correctly and not causing any unexpected issues with your website’s functionality.

Good Links

Good links in technical SEO:

In technical SEO, building high-quality links is an important part of
improving your website’s authority and search engine rankings. Here are some
tips on how to build good links in technical SEO:

Create high-quality content: One of the best ways to earn good links is to create high-quality content that other websites want to link to. This could be anything from informative blog posts to useful tools or resources.

Guest posting: Another way to earn good links is to write guest posts for other websites in your niche. When you contribute valuable content to other websites, they will often include a link back to your site in the author bio or within the article.

Broken link building: Broken link building is the process of finding broken links on other websites and suggesting your content as a replacement. This strategy requires some research and outreach, but it can be an effective way to earn good links in technical SEO.

Build relationships: Building relationships with other website owners and influencers in your niche can lead to natural link building opportunities. Engage with them on social media, comment on their blog posts, and offer to collaborate on content projects.

Use internal linking: Internal linking is the process of linking to other pages on your website within your content. This not only helps users navigate your site but also helps search engines understand the hierarchy of your website and which pages are most important.

It’s important to note that building good links takes time and effort. Avoid any tactics that promise quick and easy results, such as buying links or participating in link farms, as these can actually harm your website’s rankings in the long run. Focus on creating valuable content and building relationships within your niche to earn high-quality links over time.

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